I've been hiding on campus during my break between classes and working on scenes for my next novel. Sometimes when I am working on a project, I will also get ideas for either other aspects of the project, or other projects I need to work on. When these ideas appear, I need to write them down in my brain dump notebook.
This page is a list of notes I scribbled for myself stored in my A5 sized planner that I have been referring to as The Workbook. It's a huge planner to carry with me but I have lots of room to write things down when they occur to me.
When writing a novel, all the pieces count, but when you are writing a mystery novel you are essentially creating trails of breadcrumbs for the reader to follow. This means when things occur to me, I have to either jump back and add another bread crumb or make a note to myself about a breadcrumb that will actually lead to something more. I'm also juggling a lot of names and having to name spaces that I am somewhat iffy on. I don't like the ring of the name of the town I am working with. But if I stop writing the story and take the time to figure it out, it drags down my productivity.
Currently, I think I am going to take the 2023 Atlanta Braves Roster for all my character last names at least in the interim until I come up with a better idea. If Acuña Jr. appears in this final draft, y'all will know where that came from.